Results for 'Keyla Christina Almeida Portela'

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  1. A teoria da dupla herança e a evolução da moralidade.Fábio Portela Lopes Almeida & Paulo César Coelho Abrantes - 2012 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 16 (1):1-32. A teoria darwinista tem contribuído para a discussão de problemas nos mais diversos campos filosóficos, entre os quais se inclui a ética e a teoria moral. A sociobiologia e a psicologia evolucionista elucidaram muitos aspectos do comportamento social de diversas espécies animais, a partir de mecanismos como a seleção de parentesco e o altruísmo recíproco que, contudo, são insuficientes para explicar a cooperação no caso humano. Como alternativa, a teoria da dupla herança busca explicar o comportamento humano considerando tanto (...)
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    A goleada de Darwin: sobre o debate Criacionismo/Darwinismo.Fábio Portela Lopes de Almeida - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (36):375.
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  3. The Neuronal Correlates of Indeterminate Sentence Comprehension: An fMRI Study.Roberto G. de Almeida, Levi Riven, Christina Manouilidou, Ovidiu Lungu, Veena D. Dwivedi, Gonia Jarema & Brendan Gillon - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:178942.
    Sentences such as "The author started the book" are indeterminate because they do not make explicit what the subject (the author) started doing with the object (the book). In principle, indeterminate sentences allow for an infinite number of interpretations. One theory, however, assumes that these sentences are resolved by semantic coercion, a linguistic process that forces the noun "book" to be interpreted as an activity (e.g., writing the book) or by a process that interpolates this activity information in the resulting (...)
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  4. Origem e Fundação da Primeira Faculdade de Engenharia de Sorocaba (FACENS)-Uma História de Contribuição para o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico da Região.Christina Camilla Antunes de Almeida - 2008 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 10 (1).
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    Concreto Ecológico.Maria Teresa Gomes Barbosa, White José dos Santos & Isabel Christina de Almeida Ferreira - forthcoming - Principia.
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  6. The folk conception of knowledge.Christina Starmans & Ori Friedman - 2012 - Cognition 124 (3):272-283.
    How do people decide which claims should be considered mere beliefs and which count as knowledge? Although little is known about how people attribute knowledge to others, philosophical debate about the nature of knowledge may provide a starting point. Traditionally, a belief that is both true and justified was thought to constitute knowledge. However, philosophers now agree that this account is inadequate, due largely to a class of counterexamples (termed ‘‘Gettier cases’’) in which a person’s justified belief is true, but (...)
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  7. Tacit knowledge.Christina Graves, Jerrold J. Katz, Yuji Nishiyama, Scott Soames, Robert Stecker & Peter Tovey - 1973 - Journal of Philosophy 70 (11):318-330.
  8. What Moore’s Paradox Is About.Claudio de Almeida - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (1):33-58.
    On the basis of arguments showing that none of the most influential analyses of Moore’s paradox yields a successful resolution of the problem, a new analysis of it is offered. It is argued that, in attempting to render verdicts of either inconsistency or self-contradiction or self-refutation, those analyses have all failed to satisfactorily explain why a Moore-paradoxical proposition is such that it cannot be rationally believed. According to the proposed solution put forward here, a Moore-paradoxical proposition is one for which (...)
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  9. Gabriel Ungureanu, Vasile Astărăstoae, Maria-Christina Ungureanu, Ortansa Stoica.Maria-Christina Ungureanu - 2008 - Romanian Journal of Bioethics 6 (2).
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  10. Taking ‘know’ for an answer: A reply to Nagel, San Juan, and Mar.Christina Starmans & Ori Friedman - 2013 - Cognition 129 (3):662-665.
    Nagel, San Juan, and Mar report an experiment investigating lay attributions of knowledge, belief, and justification. They suggest that, in keeping with the expectations of philosophers, but contra recent empirical findings [Starmans, C. & Friedman, O. (2012). The folk conception of knowledge. Cognition, 124, 272–283], laypeople consistently deny knowledge in Gettier cases, regardless of whether the beliefs are based on ‘apparent’ or ‘authentic’ evidence. In this reply, we point out that Nagel et al. employed a questioning method that biased participants (...)
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  11. Defeasibility and Gettierization: A Reminder.Claudio de Almeida & J. R. Fett - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (1):152-169.
    For some of us, the defeasibility theory of knowledge remains the most plausible approach to the Gettier Problem. Epistemological fashion and faded memories notwithstanding, persuasive objections to the theory are very hard to find. The most impressive of those objections to the theory that have hitherto gone unanswered are examined and rejected here. These are objections put forward by Richard Feldman, Richard Foley, and John Turri. While these are all interesting, the objection recently put forward by Turri is, we think, (...)
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  12. Artificial Intelligence Regulation: a framework for governance.Patricia Gomes Rêgo de Almeida, Carlos Denner dos Santos & Josivania Silva Farias - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):505-525.
    This article develops a conceptual framework for regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI) that encompasses all stages of modern public policy-making, from the basics to a sustainable governance. Based on a vast systematic review of the literature on Artificial Intelligence Regulation (AIR) published between 2010 and 2020, a dispersed body of knowledge loosely centred around the “framework” concept was organised, described, and pictured for better understanding. The resulting integrative framework encapsulates 21 prior depictions of the policy-making process, aiming to achieve gold-standard societal (...)
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    Language‐Specific Constraints on Conversation: Evidence from Danish and Norwegian.Christina Dideriksen, Morten H. Christiansen, Mark Dingemanse, Malte Højmark-Bertelsen, Christer Johansson, Kristian Tylén & Riccardo Fusaroli - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (11):e13387.
    Establishing and maintaining mutual understanding in everyday conversations is crucial. To do so, people employ a variety of conversational devices, such as backchannels, repair, and linguistic entrainment. Here, we explore whether the use of conversational devices might be influenced by cross‐linguistic differences in the speakers’ native language, comparing two matched languages—Danish and Norwegian—differing primarily in their sound structure, with Danish being more opaque, that is, less acoustically distinguished. Across systematically manipulated conversational contexts, we find that processes supporting mutual understanding in (...)
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  14. Moorean absurdity : an epistemological analysis.Claudio de Almeida - 2007 - In Mitchell S. Green & John N. Williams, Moore’s Paradox: New Essays on Belief, Rationality, and the First Person. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Power in Rural Place Stigma.Christina A. R. Malatzky & Danielle L. Couch - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):237-248.
    The phenomenon and implications of stigma have been recognized across many contexts and in relation to many discrete issues or conditions. The notion of spatial stigma has been developed within stigma literature, although the importance and relevance of spatial stigma for rural places and rural people have been largely neglected. This is the case even within fields of inquiry like public and rural health, which are expansively tasked with addressing the socio-structural drivers of health inequalities. In this paper, we argue (...)
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  16. Religion and Religious Education on the Journey to the Ideal Society.Christina Easton - 2024 - Analysis 84 (3):609-621.
    We all want to find a way to live fulfilling lives together in spite of our differences. What beliefs must be held in common if we are to do so? What beliefs must be excluded? And what are the implications for religion’s place in society? Philip Kitcher recognises that our answers to these questions have important implications for education, and he devotes a chapter of 'The Main Enterprise of the World' to the role of religion in education and wider society. (...)
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  17. The Ofences of the Imagination: The Grotesque in Kant’s Aesthetics.Beatriz de Almeida Rodrigues - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics:1-17.
    In the Critique of the Power of Judgement, Kant claims that ‘the English taste in gardens or the baroque taste in furniture pushes the freedom of the imagination almost to the point of the grotesque’ (KU 5:242). This paper attempts to reconstruct Kant’s views on the grotesque as a theoretical foundation for the modern conception of the grotesque as a negative aesthetic category. The first section of the paper considers and ultimately rejects the interpretation of the grotesque as a difficult (...)
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    Kant’s Invidious Humanism.Christina Hoff - 1983 - Environmental Ethics 5 (1):63-70.
    In Kant’s philosophy nonrational beings are denied moral standing. I argue that Kant's rational humanism is arbitrary and morally impoverished. In particular I show that Kant moves illegitimately from the first formulation of the categorical imperative (which makes no mention of a moral domain) to the second (which limits moral recognition to rational beings). The move to the second formulation relies on a new and unsupported principle introduced by Kant: rational nature and only rational nature exists as an end in (...)
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    Hayek's liberalism and its origins: his idea of spontaneous order and the Scottish enlighenment.Christina Petsoulas - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    By exploring the writings of Mandeville, Hume and Smith, this book offers a critique of Hayek's theory of cultural evolution and explores the roots of his powerful defence of liberalism.
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  20. Human Identity, Immanent Causal Relations, and the Principle of Non-Repeatability: Thomas Aquinas on the Bodily Resurrection.Christina van Dyke - 2007 - Religious Studies 43 (4):373 - 394.
    Can the persistence of a human being's soul at death and prior to the bodily resurrection be sufficient to guarantee that the resurrected human being is numerically identical to the human being who died? According to Thomas Aquinas, it can. Yet, given that Aquinas holds that the human being is identical to the composite of soul and body and ceases to exist at death, it's difficult to see how he can maintain this view. In this paper, I address Aquinas's response (...)
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    Epistemic Closure and Epistemological Optimism.Claudio de Almeida - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (1):113-131.
    Half a century later, a Dretskean stance on epistemic closure remains a minority view. Why? Mainly because critics have successfully poked holes in the epistemologies on which closure fails. However, none of the familiar pro-closure moves works against the counterexamples on display here. It is argued that these counterexamples pose the following dilemma: either accept that epistemic closure principles are false, and steal the thunder from those who attack classical logic on the basis of similarly problematic cases—specifically, relevance logicians and (...)
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    Labour Leverage in Global Value Chains: The Role of Interdependencies and Multi-level Dynamics.Christina Niforou - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (2):301-311.
    The global segmentation of production and distribution has resulted in highly complex global value chains where vertical and horizontal dynamics are equally important in determining working conditions and providing points of leverage for labour. Borrowing notions of multi-level governance, we propose an analytical framework for describing and explaining success and failure of labour agency when attempting to improve working conditions along GVCs. Our starting point is that the high complexity of GVCs and the absence of a global overarching authority have (...)
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    The Specificity of Sound Symbolic Correspondences in Spoken Language.Christina Y. Tzeng, Lynne C. Nygaard & Laura L. Namy - 2017 - Cognitive Science:2191-2220.
    Although language has long been regarded as a primarily arbitrary system, sound symbolism, or non-arbitrary correspondences between the sound of a word and its meaning, also exists in natural language. Previous research suggests that listeners are sensitive to sound symbolism. However, little is known about the specificity of these mappings. This study investigated whether sound symbolic properties correspond to specific meanings, or whether these properties generalize across semantic dimensions. In three experiments, native English-speaking adults heard sound symbolic foreign words for (...)
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    The Ethics of Algorithms in Healthcare.Christina Oxholm, Anne-Marie S. Christensen & Anette S. Nielsen - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (1):119-130.
    The amount of data available to healthcare practitioners is growing, and the rapid increase in available patient data is becoming a problem for healthcare practitioners, as they are often unable to fully survey and process the data relevant for the treatment or care of a patient. Consequently, there are currently several efforts to develop systems that can aid healthcare practitioners with reading and processing patient data and, in this way, provide them with a better foundation for decision-making about the treatment (...)
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    The AMÉLIE project: failure mode, effects and criticality analysis: a model to evaluate the nurse medication administration process on the floor.Christina Nguyen, Justine Côté, Denis Lebel, Elaine Caron, Christine Genest, Monia Mallet, Véronique Phan & Jean-François Bussières - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (1):192-199.
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    Care and justice arguments in the ethical reasoning of medical students.Christina Sommer, Margarete Boos, Elisabeth Conradi, Nikola Biller-Adorno & Claudia Wiesemann - 2011 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):9.
    <b>Objectives:</b> To gather empirical data on how gender and educational level influence bioethical reasoning among medical students by analyzing their use of care versus justice arguments for reconciling a bioethical dilemma. <b>Setting:</b> University Departments of Medical Ethics, Social and Communication Psychology in Germany. Participants: First and fifth year medical students. Design and method: Multidisciplinary, empirical, 2-segment study of ethics in action: In intrapersonal Segment 1, the students were presented with a bioethical dilemma and then administered a 13-item questionnaire to survey (...)
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    Behavioral Economics and Public Health.Christina A. Roberto & Ichirō Kawachi (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Behavioral economics has potential to offer novel solutions to some of today's most pressing public health problems: How do we persuade people to eat healthy and lose weight? How can health professionals communicate health risks in a way that is heeded? How can food labeling be modified to inform healthy food choices? Behavioral Economics and Public Health is the first book to apply the groundbreaking insights of behavioral economics to the persisting problems of health behaviors and behavior change. In addition (...)
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  28. Language learning in infancy: Does the empirical evidence support a domain specific language acquisition device?Christina Behme & Helene Deacon - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (5):641 – 671.
    Poverty of the Stimulus Arguments have convinced many linguists and philosophers of language that a domain specific language acquisition device (LAD) is necessary to account for language learning. Here we review empirical evidence that casts doubt on the necessity of this domain specific device. We suggest that more attention needs to be paid to the early stages of language acquisition. Many seemingly innate language-related abilities have to be learned over the course of several months. Further, the language input contains rich (...)
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    Context-driven expectations about focus alternatives.Christina S. Kim, Christine Gunlogson, Michael K. Tanenhaus & Jeffrey T. Runner - 2015 - Cognition 139 (C):28-49.
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    Argumentum ad feminam.Christina Sommers - 1991 - Journal of Social Philosophy 22 (1):5-19.
    The last issue of this journal published an exchange between Marilyn Friedman and me that had taken place at a lively session of the American Philosophical Association in December, 1990. Friedman's paper “‘They Lived Happily Ever After’: Sommers on Women and Marriage” was a barbed critique of my views on the family. My rejoinder, “Do These Feminist Like Women?” pointed out that Friedman's orthodox brand of feminism was not sensitive to the values and aspirations of most American women. That issue (...)
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    The Dynamic Reactance Interaction – How Vested Interests Affect People’s Experience, Behavior, and Cognition in Social Interactions.Christina Steindl & Eva Jonas - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  32. Teaching Liberal Values: The Case of Promoting ‘British Values’ in Schools.Christina Easton - 2022 - In Julian Culp, Johannes Drerup, Isolde de Groot, Anders Schinkel & Douglas Yacek, Liberal Democratic Education: A Paradigm in Crisis. Leiden: Brill Mentis. pp. 47-66.
    I analyse the 2014 policy to promote 'British values' in schools from the perspective of the two main positions in contemporary liberal theory, comprehensive liberalism and political liberalism. I highlight in what ways comprehensive and political liberal defences of the policy are unsatisfactory, before briefly sketching a possible alternative position – ‘thin comprehensive liberalism’ – and discussing its potential for justifying a substantive education in liberal values. In light of this theoretical perspective, I suggest some ways that the existing British (...)
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  33. Nota sobre os conhecimentos do ‘o que é’ e do ‘por que’ no livro II dos Segundos Analíticos de Aristóteles.Wellington Damasceno de Almeida - 2017 - Dissertatio 46:121-129.
    I examine the difficulties involved in the Aristotelian proposal to identify the knowledge of “what it is” and “why it is”, in order to better understand the outlines that delimit it. I propose that the connections by which Aristotle links definition and explanation, and hence essence and cause, depend on the mutual convertibility between nominal expressions and predicative sentences.
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  34. Uma solução aristotélica para o paradoxo do mentiroso em Metafísica IV, 8.Nazareno Eduardo de Almeida - 2013 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 58 (3):429-466.
    É comumente aceito, atualmente, que Aristóteles não teria enfrentado ou tentado seriamente resolver o famoso paradoxo do mentiroso, embora ele tenha sido formulado por Eubúlides de Mileto, membro da escola megárica e rival filosófico de Aristóteles. No máximo, assim reza a visão tradicional, ele parece apenas fazer uma menção desse paradoxo nas Refutações sofísticas, Capítulo 25, talvez esboçando a sua solução. O meu intento, no presente artigo, é desafiar essa opinião geral mostrando que o Estagirita fornece uma explicação implícita para (...)
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    The Offences of the Imagination: The Grotesque in Kant’s Aesthetics.Beatriz de Almeida Rodrigues - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics:ayae014.
    In the Critique of the Power of Judgement, Kant claims that ‘the English taste in gardens or the baroque taste in furniture pushes the freedom of the imagination almost to the point of the grotesque’ (KU 5:242). This paper attempts to reconstruct Kant’s views on the grotesque as a theoretical foundation for the modern conception of the grotesque as a negative aesthetic category. The first section of the paper considers and ultimately rejects the interpretation of the grotesque as a difficult (...)
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    Truth in Science and ‘Truth’ in Religion: An Enquiry into Student Views on Different Types of Truth-Claim.Christina Easton - 2019 - In Berry Billingsley, Keith Chappell & Michael J. Reiss, Science and Religion in Education. Springer Verlag. pp. 123-139.
    Using focus groups, this small-scale, qualitative study investigated the way that students tend to think about religious truth-claims as compared to other types of truth-claim. All the student participants conceived of religious truth-claims as ‘opinions’, to be contrasted with the certain, indisputable ‘facts’ of science. For many students, it was the lack of empirical verification, as well as the existence of disagreement, which meant religious beliefs were relegated to this position. If these findings are generalisable, then there are implications for (...)
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    The Sociolinguistics of Asylum Decision-Writing in the Context of the Greek Appeals Authority.Christina Fakalou - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (2):305-328.
    This paper draws on a social perspective of language use in the legal processes of asylum claims with particular attention to decision-writing and written texts within the context of the Greek Appeals Authority. Such a perspective aligns with an interdisciplinary call for emerging research framed in sociolinguistics and the law, that facilitates knowledge sharing in order to make visible the institutional veracity control inherent in asylum processes. To that end, applying van Leeuwen’s social actor network framework, I analyze nine (9) (...)
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    Mind and Inter-Subjectivity: An Anthropological Perspective.Christina Toren - 2000 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 10 (1):1-26.
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    Import'ncia da Sociedade Parisiense de Estudos Espíritas no contexto de desenvolvimento e consolidação do Espiritismo na França.Angelica Aparecida Silva de Almeida & Luciana Farias - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (67):226706-226706.
    O Espiritismo surgiu a partir do trabalho de um francês, Hippolyte-Léon Denizard Rivail, que analisou os fenômenos mediúnicos. A Sociedade Parisiense de Estudos Espíritas (SPEE) foi fundada em 1858, com o objetivo de estudar todos os fenômenos relativos às manifestações espíritas. O nosso objetivo é: investigar a importância que a Sociedade teve no processo de formalização e institucionalização do estudo das manifestações espirituais; analisar o seu papel na elaboração, desenvolvimento, uniformização e consolidação do Espiritismo, à época de Allan Kardec. Utilizamos (...)
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    Análise comunicativa da pesquisa-ação pela via dos círculos argumentativos.Mariangela Lima de Almeida, Bárbara Rebecca Baumgartem França, Gabriela Melo Santana de Oliveira, Letícia Soares Fernandes, Nazareth Vidal da Silva, Rafael Carlos Queiroz & Rayner Raulino E. Silva - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7396.
    O texto tem como objetivo discutir acerca de uma estratégia metodológica para análise de dados em estudos de pesquisa-ação fundamentada na teoria de Jürgen Habermas, denominada por Círculos Argumentativos. Concebe-se a pesquisa-ação para além de uma abordagem metodológica, que tem como pressupostos centrais a relação entre pesquisador e participante, e da ação para a mudança. Assim, a pesquisa-ação, em virtude de sua processualidade, necessita de um método de análise capaz de explorar, em conjunto com os autores-pesquisadores, os distintos movimentos do (...)
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  41. Does giving lead to receiving? Cypriot consumers' perceptions of corporate philanthropy and its value creation abilities for the banking sector.Christina Koutra & C. Demosthenous - unknown
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  42. Luzes em Portugal: do terremoto à inauguração da estátua equestre do Reformador.Antonio Cesar de Almeida Santos - 2011 - Topoi: Revista de História 12 (22):75-95.
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    A dual character theory of law.Guilherme da Franca Couto Fernandes de Almeida - 2024 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 49 (1):1-24.
    One persistent question in jurisprudence relates to the role of morality in the concept of law. For instance, consider the question of whether unjust statutes are laws. Legal positivists say that they’re laws in every relevant sense, while natural lawyers say that they’re not. This article considers a different answer inspired by recent findings in experimental philosophy: there is one relevant sense in which unjust statutes are laws, but also a different relevant sense in which they aren’t. After considering the (...)
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    Entre a excesão e a Democracia. Um campo possível a Construcão de uma esfera pública marcada por diálogos impertinentes.Maria Helena Tenório de Almeida - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:424-432.
    O presente texto baseia-se na perspectiva de Hannah Arendt para quem o acontecimento é o lugar onde o pensamento nasce. Com base nesse princípio, investiga ações e práticas em cujo entrecruzamento vão surgindo novos atores ou sujeitos que, a partir do campo mesmo do opositor, disputam o espaço da cidade numa espécie de «profanação dos lugares luminosos da cidade» (Santos, 1996), no sentido de retirá-los da esfera do sagrado (Agabén, 2006) e restituí-los ao uso comum «dos homens ordinários».
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    A Técnica Contempor'nea e o Problema da Transcendência.Eduardo De Almeida & Gabriela De Carvalho - 2024 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 14 (28):3-14.
    Neste artigo, propomos realizar uma discussão sobre a problemática da técnica na contemporaneidade, especialmente a partir do século XX. A grande inspiração para essa abordagem reside na obra Aprender a Viver, do filósofo francês Luc Ferry. Iremos tratar sobre a negação da transcendência levada a cabo pela filosofia de Nietzsche, e como essa negação do que é transcendente influenciou nas questões técnicas ao longo do século XX e atualidade. Por outro lado, a problematização da técnica contemporânea não significará um abandono (...)
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  46. Livros de viagem do Oitocentos ea fabricação do Oriente: a Índia ea escrita em Maria Graham.Margareth de Almeida Gonçalves - 2011 - Topoi: Revista de História 12 (22):96-117.
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  47. Semantics for a module.Roberto G. de Almeida & Ernie Lepore - 2017 - In Roberto G. De Almeida & Lila R. Gleitman, On Concepts, Modules, and Language: Cognitive Science at its Core. New York, NY: Oup Usa.
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    Entre dois mundos: um exame da recepção de ideias da Revolução Francesa em Raízes do Brasil.Maria Cecília Pedreira de Almeida - 2024 - Discurso 54 (2):98-109.
    Não resta dúvida de que os princípios da Ilustração, como os da liberdade, igualdade e fraternidade estiveram muito presentes na história de várias nações ibero-americanas. No caso brasileiro, no entanto, é evidente o quanto o Estado guiado por esses nobres ideais tem engendrado frequentemente o seu oposto. A falta de certos serviços e garantias essenciais para cidadãos no estado brasileiro é algo incontestável. Conhecendo a importância de tais princípios no Brasil, a proposta é compreender como Sérgio Buarque de Holanda utiliza (...)
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    Aristotle. Prior Analytics 1.1-7. Introduction and translation.Wellington Damasceno de Almeida & Mateus R. F. Ferreira - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03331-03331.
    Translation of the initial chapters of Aristotle’s Prior Analytics into Portuguese and introduction, which addresses interpretative disagreements and translation choices.
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    Bachelard Como Moderno.Fábio Ferreira de Almeida - 2024 - Dissertatio 59:112-126.
    No presente artigo busco apresentar o caráter moderno da filosofia de Gaston Bachelard. Tal modernidade se funda numa compreensão da ideia de homem que se pode depreender da obra do filósofo. A hipótese que se pretende defender é a de que, para além de suas reflexões epistemológicas e literárias, é o modo como sua filosofia se insere em seu tempo, estabelecendo uma relação com o presente que converge com as reflexões sobre a modernidade que encontramos em pensadores como Michel Foucault (...)
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